We all love a New Year. It allows us to swipe the slate clean and start over. A fresh start, with no regrets and a whole new perspective. I love the New Year. It’s when I feel the most organized, and focused. I take the month of December to reflect on my year: reviewing accomplishments, goals like hiring a coach and the sheer misses, like trying to get out of debt, that ultimately taught me so much. Yes, lessons learned.
According to statisticbrain.com, 45% of Americans make resolutions every year. Unfortunately, only 8% of us actually follow through and achieve success. Not so surprisingly, the number 1 and number 5 resolutions are related to health. Lose weight, get fit. But I have found that simply trying to lose weight or even getting fit is putting a bandaid on the overall issue. It’s like treating the symptom without looking at the heart of the problem, or root cause.
Health and wellness is what I call a mindset shift. It’s about embracing an overall healthy lifestyle and learning new ways to embrace life as fuel. I like to call it fuel fit. I search for all-natural, inexpensive ways to fuel my body; as Lori from today’s podcast says, “If it cures, it prevents!” When you shift the way you fuel, your body becomes a temple that you honor holistically every day – and miracles begin to happen. Can you hear the angels singing?
This week I sat down with Lori Jacobs an herbalist and naturopath to learn more about holistic all-natural ways to heal and nurture our bodies. So before you reach for that synthetic pill or OTC medicine, think twice. You may be hindering your body rather than helping it. And let me tell you, holistic is the most inexpensive way to nurture your health.
There are huge benefits to going all-natural, and if it seems too overwhelming, and you are not sure where to start, take it all in stride. As we approach the New Year, a time of resolutions, it’s all about setting goals that will make a lasting impact in your life, so set goals that will make you feel good, feel empowered, and feel accomplishment. Trust me, your body will thank you, because corporate America is not looking out for you.
Join me as I sit down with Lori Jacobs, an herbalist and naturopath to discuss:
7 Super Easy, All-Natural Tricks Your Body Needs You To Do Now!
- Herbs, tinctures and healing in an all natural, inexpensive way.
- Benefits of going all Natural
- How herbs normalize and work with the body rather than against it.
- Why synthetics don’t work
- Cutting out GMO’s, complex sugars and eating simple organic meals
- Drinking more water and making more recipes from scratch
- How herbs cure many everyday ailments like arthritis, migraines, cholesterol, depression, asthma and more, with herbs!
If you’re one of those 45% setting goals only to be unsuccessful by March, I’m here to tell you, these 7 super easy ways to get healthy will change the way you look at your health, making your choices more intentional. I know sounds pretty cheeseball right? Just take this pill of seven things and all your dreams will come true. Well unfortunately, I am not Disney, man was he a genius…but I digress. Instead, it’s all in how you look at it, the overall solution to living a better, more healthy life. Seems pretty awesome, right?
Click below to hear my full interview!
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