It’s funny, when ever I tell a new client that I’m going out of town to Atlanta for Market, they raise an eyebrow in confusion. Depending on who you ask, Market can be Antiques, flea or according to Grandma, it’s the place you buy lettuce. While all of those are true, Market to an interior designer is a huge trade show. It’s the place to find new vendors, make new contacts, find new products, and see all the new trends that have never been seen before. When you go into a store and see all those pretty vases, and other accessories, those were all found at Market six months ago. No wonder it’s hard for a designer to decorate her own home!
Where Interior Designers Like To Shop
What’s most interesting is that Market happens all over the U.S, twice a year. There are Markets in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, New York and smaller Markets in smaller cities. These Markets focus primarily on accessories, home decor and some furniture. Since the dates are stacked to avoid overlap, many designers will visit each of the Markets each season. For instance, I have a friend who starts in Dallas in June, visits Atlanta in July, and then heads to Las Vegas at the end of July. Most are similar but all will have and display unique items that may not be found everywhere else – like antiques.
As if that wasn’t enough, we also have High Point furniture Market. It focuses primarily on furniture trends and vendors, and only displays some accessories. Highpoint also only happens twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall. These Markets are imperative to our businesses. They allow us to learn new design techniques, upcoming software trends, upcoming color trends, accessory trends, and network with designers in other areas of the country – which adds tremendous value to the clients we work with. Markets are the lifeblood of any good designer who wants to keep their edge. And if you live in a small town, designers will earn their keep ten fold by knowing just where to find things quickly. Sure you could spend countless hours on the internet, even months looking for an XYZ, but it’s likely that your designer knows just where to get it, or where to find it.
This week I leave for Market in Atlanta. Better known as AmericasMart. I’m currently working on several projects that have a laundry list of special items needed to complete the job right – and I know I will find it at Market. And I will find new items that I never knew existed. It’s the equivalent of Christmas morning excitement! So if you’ve ever wondered where on earth designers like to shop, or how they find all these magical, wonderful items – without a doubt they have been to Market!
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