The truth is, do you really know karma? In my world, karma is the currency by which all decisions are made. Unfortunately, a lot of people throw the word around like it’s a party trick ready to pop out of a box when their ego is wounded. Key word here, the ego. But here’s the thing, karma is not there for that reason and it has nothing to do with your ego. There’s a universal law in place to keep things balanced and right, kind of like Yin Yang theory, you can’t have one without the other.
Karma is a sanskrit word meaning action. In karma, every action must have a balanced reaction. So negative actions result in suffering, and positive actions result in happiness. Without this law there would be absolute chaos.
I had the idea to put this audio together a few months ago when a girlfriend blurted out, “Well karma’s a bitch and then you die.” After studying Feng Shui and Buddhism for nearly 20 years I’ve learned that people throw the word around jokingly like it’s ego’s version of acrimonious confetti. Again, wounded egos.
“Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future!” Oscar Wilde
While slogans like, “I saw that! Your Friend Karma” does have a connotation of humor, karma in my opinion is highly misunderstood. Due to this misunderstanding no one ever gives it the depth and full dexterity it deserves for better human nature and true kindness towards one another.
Even though karma is mainly a Buddhist and Hindu principle, the Bible also has over 100 verses discussing what you sow you shall reap:
Job 4:8 says, “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.”
The bottom line is this: Karma is important to me because negative behavior, toxic thinking, even harmful speech all lead to ‘Below the Cross’ thinking which ultimately leads to bad karma. Only kindness, compassion and empathy lead to good karma and lift you to those ‘Above the Cross’ emotions like enlightenment!
The take-away? We leave with nothing but our lessons, wisdom and karma. Are you good with what you have sowed?
Professor Lin Yun always taught:
“It is not your time or your effort that has value, but it is your karma that is most valuable.”
And that is why I also included in this bundle an audio devoted to the Red Envelope tradition. Like karma, red envelopes are highly misunderstood, which I learn again and again as I do this work. Case in point:
Over the summer last year I went on a retreat to learn more about advanced energy work within our environments. At the end of the retreat I presented my teacher with a red envelope thanking her for her wisdom. After six intense days of energy work I felt like I had jet lag and realized I forgot to place my monies into the envelope! I felt terrible and approached her after the class ended with a new envelope and explained what had happened. She snickered and gave it back to me refusing to except it saying the tradition was made up and also signified that she was beneath me.
I couldn’t believe her response, especially since she called herself a feng shui expert. As I write this I am still surprised by her lack of gratitude and grace – but that is her karma, not mine.
As you will learn the red envelope has a multitude of meanings. By giving a practitioner an envelope you show reverence for sacred wisdom that transforms your life. It honors your practitioner, our elders who carried this information forward, and you. In addition, the monies placed within the envelopes are donated to boost the ch’i of someone who greatly needs it. We are all connected, and it is our greatest gift to love, show kindness and give compassion to improve mankind, and the red envelope is one way to start, plus it’s good karma!
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Corinthians 4:17-18
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