When it comes to money you need to respect it. What does that mean? Well, in simple terms you can’t attract what you don’t covet in a pure and respectful way. In other words, if you treat your wallet like crap, or continually use it despite how tattered and beat up it looks, you’ll never attract more. A wallet filled to the gills with receipts, credit cards, gum wrappers, random things from the kids and smushed up money shows how little you care for that item because let’s face it, if you had made it a priority it wouldn’t look like that, right?
Too often I see clients treat their wallets as just a thing they throw in their purse to hold stuff-stuff. Instead, I want you to take on a Feng Shui state of mind and see it as a temple that holds and honors your money, showing it gratitude and appreciation. This small change in attitude changes everything! This tells the universe you have a high regard for the energy of money, so much so that you’ve made it a special practice. And let me tell you, when you open a beautiful wallet that is organized and delightful it uplevel’s your experience, therefore enhancing your relationship to money so you can attract more.
I wrote an article on 11 ways to feng shui your wallet a couple of years ago and it’s still one of my number one posts. In today’s video I want to share five of the most important tips from that article. If you can only do a few things, do these! To boost your attractor factor be sure to watch the video for two additional bonus tips!