It has been so interesting to watch my very non technical industry go digital in the past five years. Just in the last three years the Interior Design industry has catapulted into the digital age at lighting speed, and if our manufacturers and trades don’t keep up, well they are in the dark. Now with the simple flip of my iPad you, my clients, can flip through thousands of fabric options with the touch of a finger. Simply type in Pink (my favorite of all colors) and voila; options in the world of pinks!

Robert Allen Fabrics
Perhaps color isn’t your thing and you need a specific pattern like stripes….no problem!

Robert Allen Fabrics
Now our fabric libraries have gone digital! While this isn’t a tactile experience as most of us prefer, it allows us a quick easy tool to search exactly what we need without the added cost and waste of thousands of fabric books. Viridian, as the app is called allows us to shop all fabric books with ease on any computer, tablet or smart phone. And if we find anything we like for the project I can simply call them up and order a swatch. Easy Peesy, love that!!
What do you think of this new app? Like it, love it, or Meh, it’s not preferable?