For the last six months I have been fortunate enough to be an ambassador for several Verizon Wireless products. This exploration has allowed me to venture out of my comfort zone and into the world of otherwise unknown smart phones. While I must admit that Apple has always been king of my heart, their recent screw up with their maps program kinda left a permanent “suck-it face” on my expression because I use and need maps every single day for work.
The first phone I received I really struggled with. More than likely that was my own technological hurdles getting in the way and me trying to overcome iPhone lust, which initially ws worse than my first high school crush! Now that I am a seasoned ambassador and have technology well under my belt (literally with my way cool fitbit!) I have learned to be slightly more comfortable with learning new things. So when my new HTC 8X phone arrived a few months ago I was eager to really get the hang of it quickly. Surprisingly, it was as intuitive if not more than the after-mentioned and very user friendly. I was so damn happy! And switching won’t be nearly as difficult as you think!
My top fun features:
1) People app-I find this to be an app that is superior to apples. With FB, Linked in or twitter you can easily upload all of your friends details in a snap with their pics, social media info and more
2) Live tile home screen-Yes it is as cool as it sounds. It literally showcases with pics a snapshot of everything that is going on with your apps on your home screen. Tweets appear, pics on Facebook and current headlines.
3) Ease of use-I said this before, it is easy to navigate and use. I am not a huge tech person so I will always have learning curves. Now I am definitely better than grandma at learning new phones, but if it takes me five minutes to figure something out I get frustrated. This phone is intuitive. Its ease of use and home screen tiles make it easy for me to find what I need quickly; and the best part is, the maps work!
Find us on facebook and Twitter too!!
**As part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program, I received a free device and service in exchange for my honest opinions. Thoughts and opinions here are 100% my own. **