Having a family can be messy, leading you and your family to an unorganized life. But it doesn’t have to be that way and Mridu Parikh is a perfect example of that. After living on her own, in what she calls a fairly organized life, chaos quickly ensued with the addition of a husband and two kids. Without much guidance she took the bull by the horns and decided to make a change before she went insane.
Clutter is overwhelming not only physically but emotionally and it can effect your mood. Not only does it cause overwhelm, but clutter can lead to guilt, anxiety, procrastination and paralysis – which creeps into every area of your life.
So where do you start? According to Mridu, it’s all about the in-flow vs the out-flow and asking yourself, “what does clutter represent to you?”
There are many emotions associated with keeping our stuff, so whether it’s guilt, sentimental, or the big fear of “what-if!,” the good news is, there is a solution!
So why even worry about it? Effects of clutter:
- Feeling of absolute overwhelm and stress. Pit in stomach.
- Robs you of time and energy
- Anxiety
- Prevents clear decisions
- Causes paralysis in many areas of your life
- Lowers motivation
- Prevents other tasks from getting completed
- Feeling of being stuck
- Robs joy
In the organizing world there is a rule of thumb that they teach all their clients: 1 hour is wasted everyday looking for an item or article of clothing. Over the course of a year that quals two weeks!!
Today you’ll learn more about:
- The mistakes everyone makes before working with an organizer
- How to stop pushing the same clutter around
- Get rid of what’s not serving you, without the guilt
- How to start today
- Making note of the minutes that matter
- How to get the kids involved and keep everyone accountable
- The one thing that every organizer wants you to do
- And the top organizing books
For more info on Mridu and her company, Life is Organized, click here.