It has been a hectic but very exciting couple of weeks. The Southern Living Show case home is fast approaching it’s debut and I have been running around like a crazy chicken trying to get everything together. I recently sat down with Nancy McNulty, of McNulty Communications and P.R. to discuss my space and the overall look. I realized as I was talking to her that I had done very little here on the blog to give you, my faithful readers, a sneak peak into the wonderful mind that I refer to as my chaotic self.

When Southern Living magazine announced that they would be coming back to Nashville after a 10 year hiatus it was pretty big news. When they announced that I was one of the designers selected, well that my friends was VERY big news! In an instant I went from calm and collected expert designer, to OMG, OMG, what am I going to do that will be the epitome of Southern Living? After I collected myself and returned to my calm, collected but chaotic self it came to me, Vintage Southern Glamour.

My vision:

Who: A modern day Marilyn Monroe donning a floor length satin robe. She’s wandering around the guest retreat, talking on her black rotary phone, preparing for a date with…George Clooney perhaps?

What: Soft, feminine, understated glamour

Where: Somewhere between the intersection of 1962 and the present



So far I am right on track with my Marilyn Monroe, vintage vision. Here is a sneak peak at the main fabrics I will be using in the room:
Southern Living show house Nashville. Fabrics take 1
Within a few weeks of getting the announcement as one of the selected Southern Living designers, I had my fabrics (shown above) determined. Choosing the right ceiling color, however, was a completely different story! Thankfully, Kristie Barnett from The Decorologist came to my rescue and this mess on my conference table is proof-positive that we were hard at work for THE perfect paint!

Southern Living fabrics, take two

Once we had the ceiling color selected I was able to narrow down my fabric selection. (shown above) When working on a home I always start with fabric, and I always choose WAY more than I need. Once various factors are decided on, I can start editing down to what I need, and decide what will go where in the room.

Southern Living fabrics, take three

As more decisions are made and choices finalized, the fabrics get further editing. This pic shown above really hones in on the look and feel of the entire room. It is as scrumptious and beautiful as Marilyn Monroe herself!!


I have decided on Accessible Beige for the walls from Sherwin Williams:

Accessible Beige

It is a lovely grey/beige that goes beautifully with my grays and pinks.


Cane chairs

I have two 1960’s chairs that will be used in the sitting area of the retreat, similar to the one shown above, (expertly modeled by Mr Harley himself.)

I still need a headboard. The plan was to have an upholstered headboard made, but this entire project is being done out of pocket, so I am keeping my options open. Bedding is absolutely gorgeous and I will share that with you in the coming weeks!

So what do you think so far?

