A few weeks ago I traveled to Atlanta with a friend to purchase accessories for some clients and attend a wonderful charity event for Room Service Atlanta. Founded by two of my lovely friends Dayka Robinson and Erika Ward, RSA in their own words:

“Was an idea to organize local designers to give back to the city of Atlanta. One shelter at a time, we’re sharing our talents to help create comfortable, relaxing, and inspiring interiors for homeless families as they work to get back on their feet.”

Held at the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams in Buckhead, these gals have single handedly created inspiring change for those whose lives are in transition. Design is an amazing gift and can uplift your mood in unimaginable ways. When your home is designed beautifully and functions well you are inspired, motivated and proud of who you are. If you’d like to donate or become one of their 2013 round up of designers visit their website, Room Service Atlanta.
