Mrs S corner dilemma
OK, So remember this issue last week? (shown above) The question was, what to do with the corner? Butte joint or miter?? Well after careful consideration and much thought, I decided that a cut miter was the way to go. So Ritchie, laid the radiant flooring first…..

Radient flooring
And then he poured a fine layer of thin set on top, and started laying the tile border. (and you can see my mitered corner)

Thin set covers radient floors
And here is my mitered corner up close..may I say, perfection?

Mitered corner here in the right bottom corner--------------->
I have to say it was the right choice, a butte joint would have looked undone, and personally, like I laid the tile…no one wants that!

View from the water closet
The entire week was pretty much consumed with laying tile, measuring, and cutting. The shower was completed,

Shower interior
and with much excitement, the floor is complete!

Bathroom entrance
And seriously, would the floor look this beautiful if the black marble border was not in it? Mrs S was really concerned about the black border and I told her to just trust me…..and I have to say, it completely makes the floor! Thank-you Mrs S for trusting me, and taking a leap of faith…

Floor from closet
Stunning. It is really starting to take shape! The vanities are now in production, and the fancy back splash is being ordered this week.
Fancy backsplash
Now this is where I advised Mrs S to throw caution to the wind. There are places to cut the budget to keep things in line, and there are places where expense is absolutely necessary. The backsplash for this bathroom was an area that needed those extra dollars, and where they mattered. Mrs S has what I call the “a” wall vanity. Meaning the most visible vanity, most visible wall in the whole bathroom. Her space is the first point of contact, or introduction to the bathroom. A great “how do you do” if you will. So her vanity, backsplash, mirror, sconces….everything needs to be stunning. This back splash ties everything together, but more importantly it’s classic, timeless and beautiful. Remember when Mrs S and I went back to the plumbing store to reselect our plumbing fixtures? Well we went back to re-select plumbing fixtures that brought the budget down, to offset the cost of this border tile. At $106 a piece, (yes each 4×12 piece is $106) and we need approximately 13-15 pieces, something had to give! But I guarantee that this is going to make the bathroom!
Week 11 in all it’s glory…..Progress!
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the shower looks great! yes, i agree, the mitered corners are perfection!:-)
The floor looks great, Amanda! I love the thin strip of black!
The publicist did not like tiling.
She says she is never tiling again.
That bathroom is perfection! I can’t wait to see the end result. Way to go with the mitered corners!