In my opinion (the one that counts) there are three elements that allow small shifts of transformation in our lives that make us better human beings: Inspiration, Expansion and Celebration. Inspiration is that illuminated spark within all of us that sits dormant and unrealized until something triggers it. It offers an instant refueling that drives you to act. Expansion is all about making that spark come alive. Freeing up the necessary space and doing whatever it takes to create that transformation that moves energy in unimaginable ways. When you move mountains, gain that clarity and fall into your place it’s cause for celebration because you’ve mastered the unconceivable task of making it happen.

Your home is a reflection of who you are to the core and of your conscience, whether you realize it or not. Too often many of us spend so much time in our default mode of judgement and negativity, getting sucked into expectations of those around us, that we never attain that sweet spot of absolute clarity. By arranging your space in the mental and physical body, along with your home you will promote spiritual and mental clarity with great reward.

One of the easiest ways to start your path of clarity is to live with intention. Intention moves energy, sets motion forward and keeps your eye on the prize. But in order to do that you need to create space to relax and work with that intention without distraction. The easiest way to do this is to add meditation to your life.

By simply taking a small space in your home you can create a space to gain mental clarity, relax your mind and set daily intentions for improvements. You will be amazed at the results. Allowing your mind to relax allows you to refuel, recharge and think better and if you lead a stressful and demanding job this is absolutely necessary!

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