Photo organization
It never ceases to amaze me all the wonderful ideas that out there! This idea to me is really a great way to organize and display family photos. Without feeling cluttered, this display is clean and simple and easy to change out. Just love this!

Crate organizers
How many times have you been at a flea market, antique mall or swap meet and passed by these crates? Here this homeowner created a beautiful nook to collect books, and miscellaneous things and gave these crates a new lease on life. Stylish, chic and super functional.

Mason jars
I adore this! With a few mason jars, those pinchy things from Home depot, and a piece of wood, you have easy access to your necessities. I think this is not only sweet and charming but super functional as well! perfect for the bathroom and make-up area.
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images:flickr, storage glee, Renest
I’m always looking for new ways to display photos. What a clever idea!
I wish I were that clever….
I find people to be much more clever than I am at such things too…I lack the organization gene…have a great week Amanda and Harley! xoxo
I am totally loving that photo display!!! I wonder if it’s as simple as it looks to make…I guess I’ll find out! XO, Kelly
You are right Amanda, GREAT idea! Missed you at the bloggers conference, maybe next year! Hope all is well. Heading to High Point in April? Kimberly
I have been using the frame and clothespin idea in my breakfast room to display the ever changing photos of my grandson. I have added colorful clothespins along with some cute chicken ones just for interest but it sure is an easy way to enjoy all the photos.