Houzz writer Shoshanna Goslin recently wrote an article on how to hang a chandelier, featuring one of my most glamourous dining rooms. My inbox was flooded from readers wanting to know everything from the brand of the chandelier to questions about exact dimensions. Lighting as I have said can make or break a space. When purchasing a chandelier there are 2 rules you must always follow.
1) Scale
Incorrect scale and correct scale
Don’t hang your chandelier at a height that puts it into orbit above the table. It ends up in an abyss of space that is in no way related to the dining area. The light has two functions: Decorative and Functional. Putting it too high takes away from both. Always hang the chandelier 27″-36″ above the table, period. This adds beauty to the space and allows appropriate lighting of the table.
2) Options
Another trick to bulk up your chandelier: add shades. In the very first example above (under scale), the photo on the left displays a wispy iron chandelier with exposed lights. In my opinion the chandelier is still too small, but adding shades would bulk up the scale and instantly make it more noticeable in the room. A quick easy fix that wouldn’t cost a lot. Shades are easy to find and come in a myriad of colors, shapes, textures and fabrics.
What do you love most about chandeliers?
Bookmarking this one, Amanda!
I hope that you are having great week.