I find it so interesting that in the last fifteen years our focus in design has shifted from the “expected” areas to the unexpected surprise. First it was home offices that were all the rage, then it was the glamorous closet, amazing crafts rooms, and now it’s all about the laundry room. I saw this trend begin about four years ago while in Phoenix. My mom and I visited a show house and I was stunned to see a 1200 square foot laundry room decked out with computer work stations, a T.V., craft area and two gleaming crystal chandeliers….in a laundry room!
Well it seems the trend has gone full swing. I love the idea of a beautiful space that motivates us to do the most menial task in the most beautiful and inspiring way. Today I ran across this amazing laundry room that took my breath away. It is so stylish, and sleek!
It almost makes me want to do laundry all day long. What do you think? maybe just hang out in here for a few hours to recharge, catch up on some work, read a book or simply stare out the window!
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Image: Life in grace
Funny thing…I was just beginning work on a post about my laundry room! I did a sneak peak a few weeks ago. I love it! It’s not quite finished, and I have a lot to say about it, but so far it is exactly what I was hoping for! It’s actually a laundry room/pantry and has all the space I need and want (for a change!). I might break it down into two separate posts: you have motivated me to get going! thanks….
Just finished a post on the delights of finally having dryer working during our remodel. Check it out here. http://jenrick1.wordpress.com/2012/07/11/houston-we-have-a-dryer/ You offer great inspiration and I will share the final results of our finished laundry room once complete….soon I hope.