Feng Shui is the art of arranging your environment to attract a positive vibe. (If you’re new to Feng Shui, check out this video here to get you started!) By arranging objects in a certain way, your outer environment affects your inner environment, giving you positive results. As an advanced practitioner of Feng Shui myself, my goal is to harbor the BEST energy, better known as Chi. Everything in our environment is chi. And even though you can’t see it, like wind, gravity or even wi-fi, it does exist!
All of us have experienced good Chi and bad Chi in our lives. Think about it. Most of us have had the experience of entering into a room that feels amazing. I call this the warm hug. On the flip side, we’ve all experienced entering a room or meeting someone that hits us in the gut and feels bad. In fact, many of you will do things just because it feels without even realizing you’re doing it. One great example is your office. Most people will set up their office to face the door so they can see who is coming in their office area. This is considered the most auspicious placement for your desk. It allows you to face the door without being vulnerable. In my world this is called, being in command. If you don’t have your desk facing the door, start there first!
Chi is one of the most important factors in the study of feng shui. It is the core of all teachings that we build from. How is using feng shui different than simply organizing your space or decorating it in a pretty manner? Utilizing the principles of feng shui for our environment has a profound impact on us emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. If done right it vastly improves your well-being, and your state of being. And since you spend so much time in your workspace it only makes sense to improve your work surface in any way possible to improve work, and better well-being. You can also check out this video here, How to use Feng Shui to nail a job interview. It will boost your chances in getting the job! Who doesn’t want more of that?! Plus I have this great video here on how to use Feng Shui to eliminate a toxic work environment.
Alrighty! Let’s get started.
Getting started: How to feng shui your desk
The first step in feng shui is getting oriented with this tool above, the bagua map. Pronounced bag-wa, this tool aligns 9 major areas in your life into an essential energy blueprint. Utilizing this allows you to set up your desk for success.
And before you get started be sure to:
- Clear all clutter.
As Carol Olmsted states, clutter is postponed energy. It is anything unfinished, tolerated and disorganized. This leads to a chaotic, unorganized day. And as the zen proverb states, “the way you do one thing, is the way you do all things” – so make that organization count!
- Set up your desk in an imaginary grid
Just as the bagua map is set up above in 9 life areas, set up your desk in the same way. Here is a great example of what a desk might look like:
1) Bottom left corner – keep a reference book here. Something that implies learning, Knowledge, or your school books. It’s also a great place to keep working documents that keep your business moving forward. In the I Ching this area represents the mountain. So circulate Chi here.
2) Middle left – this is the family area, so place a family photo here or an object that is close to your heart. This area also represents spring and expansion, so if you’re working on new ideas, or new projects, place those ideas here.
3) Top left – place your computer or an item of wealth here. Make sure the item is in excellent working condition because this is your financial corner. This is also an excellent area to place financial goals.
4) Bottom middle – keep this area clear for work. This is your career area. Your immediate work and projects get completed here.
5) Center – this is the health area. Place herbal tea here or items that remind you to live a balanced and healthy life. I have an excellent video here on How to Optimize your health using Feng Shui.
6) Top middle – this is the fame area, so place your BIG Name Plate or stack of business cards here. Don’t have a title? Put the title of your dreams here. When I was in college my mom had a glass name plate made for me: Amanda Gates, Gates Interior Design | Feng Shui, CEO. At barely twenty years old that seemed a hefty title, but twenty years later, I’m now the CEO of my own company. Cool! And if you have the money, invest in a crystal name plate
. The fancier the better, because it will make you feel really good, and you’re worth it!
7) Bottom right – this is the helpful people and travel area. I recommend a lovely book on travel . This is also the area where you connect to the divine. This is your connection to heaven and earth.The heart of Buddhas teachings is one of my favorite books, and a great item to place here to connect you to heaven.
8) Middle right – Place a book here for journaling or something that inspires creativity within you. Whatever causes that “a-ha” spark. If you are trying to get pregnant, place a book of baby names
here and circle two or three of your favorites, with the affirmation, I will be pregnant by 20XX and this will be their name. This is also the area of joy. So anything that inspires you, makes you happy or brings a smile to your face – place that here!
9) Top right – this is the marriage and relationship area. Keep fresh cut flowers here or a beautiful plant. Be sure to care for your plant and tend to it just like you would a relationship. Don’t have a green thumb? Place a book of love, or two rose quartz hearts
here with the intention of deep, respectful love. For those that appreciate advanced Feng Shui, this is an excellent location for a Yu Bowl.
To guarantee your best work, always set up your desk for success. Doing this will ensure organization, productivity and most importantly, better well-being. Going to work can sometimes feel like going into battle, but when you are organized and calm, you’ll be in harmony with your environment ready to kick ass and take names.
Need interior design and feng shui help? Have questions about your own space? I do virtual consultations all over the globe, click links below to learn more!
What is confusing to me is the location of the computer– how would one reach the computer to work.
I have my computer in the left corner of my desk and can’t say its hard to reach at all. Interestingly enough, Ive always placed it there, even before I knew it applied to feng shui principles. It doesn’t have to be all the way in the back corner – just put it to the left side of the desk and magic will unfold!
Does a computer work in the creativity section (right middle) of the map? If it is placed on the left side, I have major wire issues, which is not ideal.
It really depends on what you do for a living, and what intentions you are currently working on. It can either boost or deter your things in your life depending on your circumstances. What I always tell clients is to make the shift and then pay attention to what happens. Keep a journal and note if anything weird happens. My better half and I decided to move a painting in our home, the very next day our laundry caught on fire and our door busted. Needless to say we put the painting back and have had no issues.
What if the table is U shaped and the entrance to the room is on the left side of the table? Thus, the computers and monitors cannot be placed on the left? How do keep chi?
The computers don’t have to be in any one section, to the left is just where abundance comes in. SO look at it as your abundance will be coming through the door rather than the computers,
love, light and shui
Hi, I’m settng up my home office and will have 2 large computer screens, How would you hanle that so I both have a command view but so that people loohing in have a decent view?
Hi Eric,
Place a floor mirror off to the side or somewhere in your view so you can see who is coming from behind!
Happy Holidays,
Hi Amanda,
Am facing lots of bad chi at work like to share a photo of it if like to help me to get set for right things.please let me know how to send u a snap of it, thanks
I love feng shui but sometimes my desk and/or room just won’t face the needed direction therefore having to put items in weird awkward placements. How do you account for this?
It just depends on the overall configuration. If you can see the door you’re good. If not you’ll need to adjust it so you can,
I am really trying to use feng shui since I will start working remote. I have a 10×10 office with a window in the middle of one wall, 2 smaller windows above on another wall, an indent that faces the window and a door. I am not sure how to set up my desk with such a small room. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
You and many others are facing the same dilemma. Without seeing the floor plan I cannot possibly assess how to help you, but one of the most important factors will be to place your desk in command. I would also recommend listening to my podcast. I have wonderful tips on there including how to cultivate your Chi.
Love light and shui
Hi Amanda,
I was just wondering where is the best place to put a computer monitor on the desk if you have one that goes with laptop you use as well?
Also how do you go about feng shui your office if you have already feng shui your desk in the office already. Is it too much?
Experiment with it and see what feels good. And yes you should feng shui the desk and office because the bagua changes by door placement.
xx Amanda
I have same issue right,just passed by last night in this page and I’m surprised that you/we can actually Fing sui our work area,I’m currently on my review for my CISSP certification and will soon start my class at penn state(taking CYBERSECURITY) class,and with a huge computer ( I have 27″ iMac) and it worries me if I have to put my desktop in the ” top left area” I’m afraid that it might fall.Also I passed by some blogs says you can actually put the computer in the ” Center “-enlighten me,please.Will post a picture once everything is organized on my desk.Thanks!
You can place the computer anywhere on your desk. In the center could advance your career!
Good Luck
I agree. It’s ergonomically a bad place for your PC. It should be directly in front so you keep your body properly aligned.
I love this, but I have one question. How would you set up an L shaped desk? Just as in the image above, I have a large desk with two chairs in front, but on my right is another desk (attached) to form an L (or a 7 shape). How would I incorporate this desk into the photograph above?
Thanks for the comment. An L shape desk means there is a main desk with a return. Treat the main desk as the part to feng shui. Now with that said, the return acts as an attention making that part of the desk stronger or boosted. This is actually a great place as it is associated with helpful people, something we can all use at work!
My work desk is L shaped such as below with the computer angled . Window is behind desk. Do I treat the right side of my desk that faces wall as another desk? Not sure what you mean by return acts as an attention? Thank you
Door Bookshelf
2 chairs
xxxxxxxx Computer angled towards right corner of desk
x wall
Windows Windows wall
My desk is going to be up against a wall. When I decorate the space above the wall do I apply the same grid map to what I am putting on the wall? Or do I need to do something differently?
Its not a great idea to put a desk against the wall. But if that is the only option make sure you can see the doorway – otherwise you will always be on edge and be afraid to face the world.
Thank you very much, the post was really helpful! I have a question, I’m a student. So I don’t have my name plate, nor a business card. Do you have anything you suggest to put in the fame area?
You don’t need an actual nameplate or business card. Type your name up on a sheet of paper, fold it and place it at the top of your desk. If you want to take it to the next level, set the intention for what your future name plate will say. Maybe PhD, MD, Attorney, Artist, Author, etc. Have fun with it and set the intention.
I have a large office space that will accommodate selections for new home construction. There is only one way to place my desk to face the door and it puts my back to windows and a large unusual space to the left where I feel the desk should go. But that would have me facing the wall. I’d love to send you the video I have if the space to see what you think would work best.
Command is always the best. If that doesn’t work I’d experiment with it and see if the other options work.
Journal your experiences of both and see which benefits you the best,
i work in a cubcle so my back is to the “enterance of my work space. My desk space is ‘L’ shaped . Standing at the enterance, to my right is one side of the desk and in front is the other half of the ‘L’ shape desk. To my left is the dividing cube wall between me and my neighbour. How would you apply the feng-shui properties to this space?
Take the bagua map and apply it to the entire cubicle. I would also install a mirror or something reflective on both sides of your desk. Having your back to the entrance is hard on your nervous system and can effect your adrenals over time. If there is something specific you want fro your career or work, focus on that intention and make your space your altar. Good luck!
Hi Amanda!
I’m so glad you said something about the mirrors. I’m going to get some tomorrow! My workspace is similar to Reni’s and I never hear anyone coming up behind me. I am always on edge because of this! I do have one question. Where should I set my work phone. It is on the right side of my L shaped desk. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes not.
That’s fantastic news. It will probably make a big difference!
Where would you place a desk lamp? Printer, microphone (for podcasting)?
Fantastically easy-to-implement article! Thanks.
A desk lamp is great in the back center, but it really depends on where you want to shine a light in your life? What is it you really want? I typically place my printer to the left in the wisdom and knowledge area. As for a microphone, front and center – to boost your voice in your career.
This is such a great article, thank you for posting this! How would you work with a U shaped desk?
Much the same way. Take the grid and place it over the entire desk, including the place where you sit. You can always work with askfirmations, and the elements to drive your intentions home.
Hello Amanda! Thank you for this easy guide feng shui for office desk. Where should I place my office phone? Thanks! 🙂
It really depends on what you do and what you want to accomplish at your desk. But the front left and the back right are two great places to consider!
I have read many different articles on Desk Feng Shui..some say to have the office phone at the bottom right of the desk in place of “Helpful People”.
I also have tons of files..where should they be placed? On the desk where I can see them or above in my open cabinet?
Please advise..thanks in advance.
The most important thing is to make sure its comfortable. If the phone and files dont work well
on the desk you can always place the bagua on the whole room.
Good Luck
What if the desk (in a home office)is facing sideways to the door (against a wall) and is L-shaped w/the long side to the right, over which a window is located.
Very nice article by the way!
I’m not sure I have the correct visual. Email me a quick sketch and we’ll get your question answered! [email protected]
Hey Rebecca! I love this post and have been constantly referring to it for months now. I work from home so the configuration you gave was so helpful! Just a quick question: where would you suggest placing a planner on the desk? Thanks so much for being so helpful!
And by Rebecca–I meant to type Amanda! Auto-correct can be so tricky!
It depends on what type of planner you use and for what. A blotter/planner would be great in front of you,that site right in career, however most people find it cumbersome because the keyboard sits on top of them.
If you have a separate planner I would keep it to your immediate left, to boost career and wisdom. But if travel is your thing, then put it to your immediate right.
Hope that helps,
Hi Amanda,
I have a desktop computer with two screens and a printer. I use them all day long. How should I position them on my desk?
Joe Ann
Shoot me a picture and a rough size estimate of your desk and we’ll get it figured out.
[email protected]
HI – I would also like to see your answer on this, as I have a desktop computer and monitor, and modem…. and am about to get a 2nd monitor – so I was also wondering about your answer.
Shoot me an email with a sketch of your office, and desk.
[email protected]
I too am interested in your response to tjis questionn ad I have the same dilemma. Thank Amanda for helping understand this concept.
Hi Teresa!
Im not sure I know who tjis is? Did they leave a recent question?
Let me do some digging and see if I can find it, if not it may be faster to post it here,
I found this to be very helpful as I am working to improve my cubicle space.
Great Lucia! This will certainly make a difference and be sure to set clear intentions!
Good luck!
Love this article! I have a question about my desk. I have small office. When you walk in the door the desk is to the right facing the wall. There is a window on the same wall as the door. Would it be better to put the desk under the window facing the hallway and next to the door?
I’d have to see this layout to get a true understanding of your layout. But from what I am gathering you are out of command, so your desk would need to be positioned so that you are facing the door.
Feng Sui can give the best results if it is done correctly weather in office or home. Don’t try it yourself, hire an expert who can assist you with Feng Sui. The reason is “chi” should flow smoothly and efficiently through your home or business surroundings.
I love this article! Where would you put your phone, though? Also, I have a very small counseling office. I do not want to have counseling sessions with my desk between us, but I do have two chairs. So to follow feng shui, should I still face my desk to the door, and then have the 2 chairs in one of the corners for the counseling space?
Being in command is the most important goal in feng shui to keep you successful.
As for the phone, place it in the bottom right or upper right of your desk. But
keep your business goals in mind when placing it.
Good luck!
I am a decorator and have a small office. To the office is a attached washroom. I would like to place my desk facing the door to the office but because I have limited space for clients I placed my desk to a corner but yet facing the door.
So as you walk into the office the desk is to the right. Is that a good place.
Thank you for your question! It’s hard to know exactly based on the description alone. It is good to be facing the door however if you are right off the door
it could cause some issues. Just be sure you aren’t too close.
Good luck
Amanda Gates
Hi !
Mine is an L shaped desk with my back to the door. How do i place the bagua map
The bagua is always placed from the entrance. With your back to the door you are out of command.
If you cannot move your desk place a mirror above you.
Good luck,
Love and abundance
This was the most clear and concise article I found on the subject of Feng Shui for my desk. Thank you so much Amanda. Where I get confused is around where to keep my pile of things I’m working on, i.e. my to do pile.
Also, if you have a file cabinet with everything from customer files to tax papers where do you place this in a room?
Again, fantastic article!
Working piles are never a bad thing. This is moving Chi, or working Chi. That is the great balance of yin and yang. Where you need to be careful
is creating stagnant Chi with folders that are not being used. If you have old folders, old tax papers or things you aren’t using, place them in an area
that won’t disrupt your career energy. You always want to call in new, fresh opportunities, rather than hanging on to old ones.
Hi Amanda,
I paint at my desk and like to use direct sunlight.Therefore, my desk is positioned right under the window, with my bedroom door at my back and a side door to my right.Would this be a good placement …any suggestions to make it better?
Edith it is not ideal to have your back to the door. I would position yourself so you can paint and see the door at all times
Is it ok if my working desk is right next to window,where i can look part of the outside?
Can you see the door? If so you’re great!
I really enjoyed your article. Very clear and helpful. I just got promoted at work and will moving into a new office. I have two questions.
1) My new office I have a complete room. Do I apply the bauga map to the whole room and the desk separately? For instance the family area of the room is not in the same place as it is on the desk.
2)I have a U-shaped desk. I will be sitting in the health area and career area has no desk. How do I enhance those areas?
Yes you will do both! Congrats on the new office. This suggests strong Chi!
If you’d like more help be sure to reach out to Deborah in our office. She can set up a virtual consultation
to discuss all the great options for your new space!
I am left handed so I have my desk phone and calendar on the left. Should I reverse the setup on the grid? I have a L shape to the right desk.
i have my computer on front right corner due to wire issues. i work as a scientist and is it ok for my desk
yep. you can place your computer anywhere. It will just enhance that gua.
Good luck!
I have shiftef in new room where should i put my desk there are 2 position where i can see door properly, in one position i can see window and door both properlry and in 2nd postion i can sit under the window and can see door properlry, please help me to put my desk in best way
As long as you can see the door you are in command.
Good luck!
Hello, I’ve just sorted my desk out and am excited about the prospects. One question though, I love my stationary, pens, pencils etc etc Would I then place my pen holder on the top right hand side?
You can pace those items where ever its comfortable for you!
Good Luck
Hi Amanda, Great article! I followed your instructions and am loving my desk set up. Finally! I am a perfumer. My studio is also my home office. My desk, where I take care of family and business needs, is situated to the left back of the room but not against a wall. I have a credenza behind my desk. I can see the doorway. The issue is I have a long table where I store my materials and create my perfumes. My perfume table is against the wall to the left of my desk and when sitting there my my back is to the door. The opposite wall has shelving units for storage. If I move my perfume table to the opposite wall where my shelving currently is I will be sitting to left of the doorway when entering the room. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Pay attention to how you feel and make note of any changes that come up when you make the change. If you see a downturn or feel its affecting your work I’d move the desk to a more auspicious location.
Good Luck
Hi Amanda,
I have a question. I have a small office, a desk, printer stand, two lateral files and a small fridge. The desk is arched and has two monitors. The desk faces the door. In the carpet, there is an arched stripe. At one time the desk was lined up with the arch in the carpet. Is it better to line up the desk with the stripe in the carpet? If I do, it will be slightly off center of the doorway. What would you recommend?
Feng SHui has nothing to do with the stripe in your carpet and everything to do with command. Make sure you can see the door and youre set!
Good luck
Thank you! I very much enjoyed your article.
The feng shui has nothing to do with your carpet and everything to do with command. Make sure you can see the door and you are set.
Good luck
Thanks for posting this great guide. I’m curious how a U shaped desk would work with this. I don’t really have a career area, and a small health area.
This is amazing information… what if the desk is small how would you work with that ? Also what if I want to put my computer on the right side instead of left ? Also what about home office space … doesn’t that have importance as well as far as placing the desk itself in a place & the door has an importang meaning too ?
If you only have room for a small desk that is perfectly fine, just make sure you have room to work. Placement of your computer just indicates different goals
so have fun with it!
Good Luck
I have a L shape desk. How is this applied to that type of desk?
Hi Renee
Your main desk would be treated the same, so apply the guidelines there,
Love and Light
Hi Amanda!
My desk faces a blank wall; there’s 2 doors to my left, one we use, the other one is blocked by the left side of my desk. So basically the door on my back is on the left and traffic goes through it. I use a desktop computer, not a laptop so the monitor and keyboard take a lot of space. How can I place things to improve good energy and is there something I can put behing my chair for protection? Thank you!
It’s hard for me to fully understand what your office looks like without seeing it and there are many things to take into consideration. But with that said I would suggest putting a red sweater on the back of your chair to provide strength.
Good luck
Hi Amanda,
I love your article and you are super helpful.
I just moved desks at work, i’m currently in a open cubicle, so i can see my colleagues. I sit at a curve shaped desk in the center. I face West with my back to the door. I will be placing a mirrored picture frame so i can see behind me. Is there anything else i should do? I work in recruitment now (recruitment manager). My telephone is to the right of me. I’ve tried following the bagua map as much as i could. I have a plant on my left corner, some inspirational books on the left and Pictures of my family. My name plate in the back corner middle and then pictures of my husband and i on the right middle side, with my telephone and then far right are my journals, notebooks stationary and some files. My computer is in the center of my work desk.
I’m just worried about facing West since i heard its not the best direction. Please help if you can. Thank you in advance you’re amazing!
Hi Amanda! Thanks for this super-helpful article. However, I’m a bit confused because on the top map, the entrance is at the bottom. In your example, it seems like the desk is facing the entrance, but the map has not been turned 180 degrees. What am I missing? I feel like it should be flipped on the desk?
great question. It’s always placed based on the entrance. Where do you sit at the desk? At the entrance, so that’s where it would be placed.
xx Amanda
Hi Amanda
Fantastic article. I work from home, new office is low on energy even though Ive used natural trunk slice.
The room is sqaure, desk facing external wall as only option. To my right large window, over each shoulder doors (the roomnis a walk through room).
I have large high back chair…
Should i stand facing into the room to apply the desk plan?
Thanks for the comment. I’m a bit confused as to how everything is laid out. But when at your desk you need to be able to see the door.
I really enjoy this article, I definitely feel a difference already just barely moving things around. I have a closet office, and the people who created it made little holes in the shelves above my desk for wires to come down under the desk. The issue is, the wires are coming down right over the wealth/wood part of the desk. Is there any way to remedy this. There is no real way for me to get around the wires coming through there.
Thanks for your comment. As long as they don’t bother you they are fine,
I have an ‘L’ shaped desk in my office. My chair and keyboard “niche” sits diagonally in the corner of the “L”. The desktop area of that corner is the only area with enough space to fit my monitor. The desk is positioned between me and a common walkway, so I’m facing people as they pass by. It’s a large station and cannot be moved. What advice do you have to feng shui this space? Since my monitor can’t be in the far top left, where do I position everything? Right now, when I’m sitting facing my monitor, I have the keyboard in front of me, the printer to the right, the phones between myself and the printer….to the left of the monitor (the long part of the “L”) is a magazine pocket holding files,, then a picture of my husband and myself, another of my children, to the far left is a plant and some more pictures of children as well as a catch all for notpads, stapler, scissors and post it notes.
What is the right corner for penstand and clock ?
My computer is placed at the top right corner, if I put it as this rule, i will be having wiring problems. Can I keep it in its place and put the flowers at the top left corner?
There’s no wrong way to do it. These are merely suggestions. Go into with love and joy and you’re well on your way.
Hi Amanda. Thank you for this post I’ve found this information to be super helpful but a bit complex in my mind. So I work in an office. The front desk area is an entire U shaped desk. Myself and 2 other women work on this desk. We each kind of have a corner and make due with our small spaces. I am assuming we Can each set up our work spaces according to the Bagwa, which is fine, however with limited space there isn’t much room for the 6 item layout like the Bagwa. My computer is facing the wall with a window to my left which is the main entry of the office, a door behind me to allow the patient’s into the back office and the entry towards our work space is behind me as well. I will put a mirror up on the wall to see what’s behind me, now that’s I’ve read this article, however, what do you propose for the work space?
Thanks for your question. Focus on the most important thing which is the mirror so you can see behind you. Then focus on placing the Bagua grid on the whole room. All you need to do is get the energy right in the space to get things flowing correctly,
Best of Luck
Do you have any video of that? I’d want to find out more
Yes. Visit my YouTube channel. Amanda Gates Feng Shui
Love this idea! Where would I put my calculator? I am right handed so it is now in the lower right corner of my desk.
Hi, my table is only 80 cm in length and 40 cm wide. The laptop measures about 30 cm already, occupying 2 and 3 already. I don’t have enought space for the middle and lower areas. Besides, my monitor is placed on the right side occupying 8 and 9. What arrangements will I do? I have no space for family photos, tea and etc. But, the good thing is I am facing the doorway. My area is on the left side with the door view on the right side.
If it feels ok and you don’t feel cramped then you are perfectly good!
Does this change with the direction the desk is facing?
I’ve always had it to the left, as I would meet with clients in the office. Now, that we sold our house, my husband and I share an office in our unit, and overlook the beach. We do not have visitors to our private unit, instead immeet with clients at the onsite conference room. Both desks look out to the ocean, and computers in the center.mwe each have a second screen for our computers – his to the left as the wall is to the left, and mine to the right. With the wall to the right. This leaves an openness to allow the oceanfront view and sunlight help our creativity. What else could you suggest?
I’ve always had it to the left, as I would meet with clients in the office.