I’m sure most of you have gotten a FLOR catalog in the mail and either used them or wondered how to use them. After moving into my new space I was looking for a fun option to update my back hallway. I purchased a runner from West Elm but it didn’t have the same punch, so I put it in my entrance hallway and it looks terrific.

West Elm Rug, entrance hall
I think the width of the rug was too small or perhaps the colors just didn’t feel right, either way it now lives up front and feels right. Searching high and low for an option I decided to use some old FLOR tiles I had from my previous office to create a fun and colorful rug. Surprisingly, after seven years the rug still looks brand new and all I had to do was apply new FLOR sticks on the back to keep the rug together. The hall now has the punch that it needed and because it is an outdoor tile it takes dirt better than the derby. I also love the energy it gives the hallway. It’s vibrant and fun and everyone lights up when they see it.

Flor Tiles
They are easy to put together and have a great custom look. Don’t be intimidated by the fact that they are tiles. I initially wasn’t sure I wanted to attempt building a rug. But they have many tools online that make it super easy and have guides so you know exactly how many to order. And if you have a turn, angle or funny room the tiles can be customized to fit. I also like the fact that you can build something that suits the space and your personality. A terrific option for the Creativity center of the home.

FLOR tiles
This is a pic from their website showing one of their patterned options that curves around the hallway. Look how great that punch of color looks!