Regardless of what you’re doing with your life, the environment you come home to will affect you — so you definitely don’t want it to be negative. Today, I’m going to share with you how to sketch up your floor plan and what the most important items to include are. This is a fun one!
There is an energy to your floor plan that you do not realize
There is an energy to your floor plan that dictates what is showing up in your life
There is an energy to your floor plan that if you are not aware of it the same things are going to happen and you are not going to realize you are walking into it again and again.
Mouth of Ch’i
Figure the shape of your house
Include all doors and windows
Put in your walls
Label your rooms and halls
Where is the stove?
The three most important items in your home: bed – desk – stove.
Where are your bathrooms?
Include furniture details
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