Pink blossoms

Storm clouds

Colorful animals…look close!

Green field


Blue butterflies

Field of Lavender

Clients ask me all the time how they should start a color plan for their home. One of the most inspiring and easiest ways to build a color palette is to research photos of nature. Ever wonder why certain color combos just feel…natural? God did it right the first time. Get inspired, nature provides us with so many options you will never feel limited. You may feel you need to go on a month long hiatus to see them in person, but just tell everyone it’s research…


Ready to get your room started? Contact us. We offer an array of services to meet your design needs whether you live in our area, or out of state. [email protected]

Harley Cat

Yup, it’s true, God was thinking perfection when he made me. And who’s to say He’s wrong? I mean look at me!

Think I’m awesome? Me too! Find me on facebook!

images: Splendid willow, bighugelabs, flickr, blueberry blvd, widespread panic, devilduck
