If you don’t have a green thumb, then paper whites are a perfect holiday gardening solution to brighten your home for the holidays. Paper whites are what I like to call goof-proof, allowing anyone who has the desire to grow, the opportunity to create a fragrant winter wonderland for the holidays.
Holiday Gardening 101 – Paper Whites
What you’ll need:
- Bulbs – purchase large bulbs from any garden center. Like these: Paperwhite Flower Bulbs
, or White Flower Farm
- Pots – Choose pots that are at least 3 – 4 inches deep, and they don’t need drainage holes. You can even choose clear containers so the kids can watch them grow!
- Soil – Gravel or pebbles are best. You can even use marbles, vase gems or sea glass for a decorative option.
Guidelines for planting
- Fill your container with your soil of choice within 1 to 2 inches of the rim
- Place the bulbs gently into the soil, pointy side up, and don’t cover the very top of the bulb. Leave the top third exposed. For a larger display, group bulbs closely together in one large pot
- Water with room temperature water and try to keep water below the bottom of the bulb. This encourages root growth. If you over water the root will begin to rot and prevent growth.
- Place in direct sunlight, and check daily to see if it needs water. If it’s happy the shoots will begin to leaf and sprout up, and you will be awarded with flowers within three to four weeks.