What a month it’s been. Can you believe we are already at the end of January? It was colder than average here in Nashville with frigid temps as low as 7 degrees, and that had the team hunkering down close to the fire. It’s a great reminder to slow down and truly honor the idea that we are not built to create all the time and push through 12 months out of the year. Like nature and her seasons we too should honor a slow period and allow rest and hibernation. Think about it, she does not bloom all the time. Winter is her resting period!

As we mapped out the month I decided to create a podcast on Feng Shui. I get asked all the time what exactly it is and the type of Feng Shui I practice. There are three well known schools of thought on the subject and I discuss those along with my journey into Feng Shui and why it was important to me.

I think one of the things that has deepened my relationship to Feng Shui is the sheer fact that our environment plays such a huge role in how we feel, think and act, not to mention how it directly reflects our health. I’ve seen it again and again with each of our clients.

Over the holiday my friend Amy hired me to take a look at her home. When she sent me the floor plan she left a note, “Our house is fairly new so we don’t really have any issues with anything and the lot line seems normal.” Well her plan was anything from normal.

I could see she was likely experiencing either high blood pressure or respiratory issues. I also spotted an issue with her kitchen that could lead to fire danger. In addition, I let her know that with partnership compromised (there is an area in your home that represents partnerships in your life) this could affect her relationships and make it difficult if she ever wanted to get pregnant. Well wouldn’t you know, both she and her partner had been diagnosed with high blood pressure since moving into the house. Her son had a chronic cough that wouldn’t go away, the gas stove leaked no matter how many times they got it fixed and Amy had been struggling with infertility. This work never ceases to amaze me!

Here’s her plan. A seemingly harmless home built in 2010, perfect for any growing family.

But lurking within this otherwise majestic home are lots of details affecting her life and that of her family. On one hand it can seem downright crazy that our home reflects so much back to us and on the other hand it makes perfect sense!

That’s why I’m also excited to share with you my interview with with Laura Brown. She and I have only known each other for a short time but she is a witch. Now I know what you’re thinking, umm excuse me, what did you just say? Most people have an initial gut reaction to that word, witch. How can we not? It’s in our DNA to fear it. What I found so interesting is that as I researched more about the history of witches I quickly learned that many of our modern day practices could be deemed witchcraft to less modern times. For example: they are all about connectedness, self-awakening, they are connected to nature, see food as medicine, burn candles and light incense and choose herbs over medicine, and meditate to connect to the divine.

I chose to have her on the show because over the years I myself have been called a Witch for practicing Feng Shui. Although some may see it as a derogatory term I am here to teach you that it is so approachable and includes holistic practices that in the next twenty years will be deemed necessary to survive our modern times. Hopefully this interview will expand your horizons and crack you open to the core.  And from it you’ll take a new understanding of what it means to live an all-natural and holistic life.


In history, witchcraft was a generational craft to help heal.

Instagram: @ofspiritandbone

Listen to your yearning and calling.  Don’t let yourself get in the way.

Trust the universe to get where you were meant to be.

The meaning of spirit and bone.

The relationship of the tangible and intangible.

The importance of having a spiritual practice.

Live our life more internally focused instead of externally focused and then we rise!

Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown – https://amzn.to/2IXVGgr

Give yourself permission to not be influenced by the outcome.  

Meditation pyramids – https://amzn.to/2Iab9c1

We all need our non negotiables to drown out the sounds around us.

Planetary Magick – https://amzn.to/2GyON6J

Website:  https://ofspiritandbone.com/

you can listen to the show here on iTunes :














