Urban Garden
Love this garden side yard by Coleman Coker. It it a great way to provide privacy, grow an edible garden and it is Eco friendly. The structure in the background actually catches water and feeds it to the plants! This is also a great way to garden vertically if you have little to no space in your backyard, or don’t have a backyard!
“The shift towards an emphasis on ecology, agriculture, and sustainability is also evident in City Center’s GREENbuild program, led by Coleman Coker of Building Studio and carried out by Tulane School of Architecture thesis students. The New Orleans City Park group designed and built an Eco-Pavilion showcasing ecologically-friendly design methods and technologies for GREENbuild; with features like a rain-catching roof that feeds indigenous plants and salvaged materials, the pavilion hopes to educate local residents on sustainable construction and gardening methods that can be adopted in their own rebuilding projects.” ~Subtilitas
Love the design, and how beautifully functional it is. Kinda does everything all wrapped up into one! Plus gardening is such a great hobby, and a great activity to get kids involved in. What do you think of this style of gardening?

Basics of lighting

Harley kit kat
Gardening sounds difficult….. I mean really folks, the best spots in the world are in the corner of a box in absolute darkness.
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This goat loves a good garden!
I think it’s a fabulous way to grow love 🙂 I always love fresh, new, creative ways to try the things of old. Very cool! XO, Kelly
That garden is too cool. I only grow flowers and herbs right now, but a part of me wants to try veggies. Another part of me dreads how much time I think it will take. 🙂
PS I wish your lighting course was a webinar. I would definitely sign up!
Having garden is really good. When you can see all of these plants grow you will feel inspired in making it more beautiful. With plants that can refresh your mind and it’s also a good hobby. Garden can make a place more lively and refreshing place to rest or even watching your plants all day.