Many of the main spaces in our homes are designed for social gathering. However, there is no denying that with our hectic, busy lives we crave solitude. Many homes provide natural nooks and crannies within their architecture, perfect for creating a small space for any activity carved out for one. When designing your space for one don’t always default to an easy chair and lamp. Think of the many possibilities a special space can bring you and suddenly the restful quiet opportunities are endless. When designing your new space take a few things into consideration.
1) Discover your space
Our homes are filled with them. All sorts of little areas just dying for attention. No matter where the location, determine the best nook in your home. It can be in a hallway, bedroom, stair landing, living room, corner or even a closet.
2) How will you use it?
Once you have determined where the nook will be, you’ll need to determine what it will be for. This is important when selecting furniture and accessories. Will you be reading, journaling, listening to music or napping? Choose your furniture pieces accordingly. For example, if this space will be for listening to music you will probably want a comfortable chair and a place for equipment.
3) Decorate your space
Allow your space to reflect your special interest. Decorate for the activity you will do most in this space. For example if you want a quiet reading nook you may also want to indulge in a cup of tea. This will require a small tea table next to your chair to place a cup of tea and your novel if necessary. Maybe you would like to have flowers in your space. What ever it is create a laundry list of things you’ll need to make that space cozy and comfortable for the perfect afternoon of solitude!
Do you have a nook in your home? What do you use your special and quiet space for?
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