Grey interiors

Grey and white interiors

Grey, linen and white interiors

Gray and white interiors
images: from greenwich
This trend of limed oak combined with linen, white and grey is a look that has been around for awhile. In fact it can almost be deemed as the official look of Atlanta, and Darryl Carter in my opinion. But the “trend” of it really started coming on to the scene in the spring of 2008. When I went to Atlanta Market that season I purchased several pieces of it for the showroom and I remember when Mr. B saw it on the dock for the first time. “Are you crazy woman!?”, “Who in the world is going to pay for an old beat up piece of furniture?!” he screeched. Yes, I was the crazy one………he of course has no recollection of these very poignant conversations. Why? Because he is in LOVE with Restoration Hardware’s new collections and thinks THEY are brilliant for mixing things up and making tables that epitomize farmhouse, American style. Ummmmmm, does anyone else see a problem with this? Of course not, I am the crazy one…..
So what do you think of this new trend of lighter raw woods and pale neutrals?
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Love all of these! Miss Walker xoxo
Absolutely beautiful images ~ such a wonderful trend. I hope it doesn’t get SO done to death that we throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Especially love the bedroom image.
Hi from a designer on the other side of the globe!
I have to say its quite beautiful and I am really drawn to it..is it a trend of sorts, yes I think so. In 10 years I dont’ think we will see it like we do now and i think RH will be pushing an entirely different look but it doesnt’ take away from the fact that this is a very elegant, soothing, European influenced easy to live with look. I love it. Love the images above too!
I personally love it! I wish I could start over with my home. Never too late I guess, but so daunting a task! Gorgeous interiors and room to breath. That’s what we all need right?! I loved your comment today at my place 🙂 Good to hear from you! XO, Kelly
I was just recently at Restoration Hardware and noticed these…I do like the serenity of light beige/grey/white. Sadly, not a single item, at least not too many things, from Restoration Hardware can fit into our house. The furniture is designed for giants I believe.
How is lovely Harley? Does he approve?
It’s taken me a little while, but I am coming around to the grays, Amanda. The lighter side of the grays. I did a post about one of the newer Restoration Hardware catalogs a few months ago, that it was just to bland for me {and even though I’m liking gray in some instances now, I still think it was too bland}.
Not for this goat although we have two new black and white kids on the farm…..
There are certain pieces that I like in the pale wood, but not an entire house. I guess I have another 8 to 10 years to either love it or hate it.
My husband always “forgets” those conversations as well. 🙂
Love this look, very clean and soothing on the eye.
Wonderfuk images Amanda I do love the color palette!
Art by Karena
Come and join my fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!
That is so funny! They always come around, don’t they? I’m a big Darryl Carter fan, so I have to say I love the look!
Happy Easter!