Hello loves,
How are all of you doing? I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy, and embracing to the best of your ability, this new paradigm. Many of my peers and colleagues are jumping online to offer help. I’ve seen tons of Facebook lives, free webinars, classes and the like. I myself have been going inward. I’ve experienced everything from grief, to indifference to immense joy. It’s been extreme for sure!
I think it’s safe to say that our old reality is gone. This time of uncertainty is also a time of great change. A time to glance in the rear view mirror and accept that the time is now to honor our earth, our hearts and our community and that can only be done by looking forward.
But that’s easier said than done. How do you manage this time of great change? More importantly how do you keep your Chi in order and not go crazy?
Today I made a video addressing these very things. I’ve included 9 Ways to Improve Your Feng Shui at Home. I offer tips that will help you keep your personal Chi in order. All of this is common sense, however when we experience unprecedented times, the basics can sometimes fall by the wayside. When we are faced with change our Chi can quickly get out of sorts and it can dramatically affect our mood. If you’re stuck at home I want to help you do everything you can to boost moral, keep your personal Chi healthy and allow time to go inward so you thrive. Here’s to expanding our hearts, community and Chi!