I typically read thirty to forty books a year. Each year I challenge myself to hit the almighty fifty, but have yet to do it. I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve seen that states the top entrepreneurs, CEO’s and businesses of Fortune 500 companies like Nike, Zappos, and Virgin have members that read sixty books a year. While I feel a bit inferior as I try to manage a full life, two businesses and a gazillion other things, I choose to focus on the fact that the average American reads less than five books a year. Phew! At least I’m doing more than average!
One thing I find difficult when it comes to books is breaking out of my traditional, “go-to” mold of learning. My typical “go-to” is a business book that teaches me new tips and tricks. I find a fiction novel a complete waste of time. I have far too much to do so if I am going to read while I do laundry, run errands or sit in traffic, I want to feel good that I am multitasking on some poor level. But in the last six months I broke the rules and added in some wit, self-help and ‘feel goods’ to the mix, and boy did I enjoy them!
Below are six books I’ve recently read and I highly recommend! (Here’s a quickstart PDF with links: 6BooksToRead)
All six of these books were a delight. Ali’s made me laugh out loud, while Tonya’s made me realize what we give up when we misappropriate our priorities. Marie’s was hands down one of the best business books I’ve read, (tons of motivation but in the right kinda way!) and Annie’s should be every woman’s mantra. Kassia’s book was as much a delight as it was fun. I’d love to enter her world for just a day.
Happy reading!!
The secret lives of color was already recommended to me by someone. Maybe it’s time to read it now 🙂