Our guest today is the amazingly spiritual Sah D’Simone who is a health and wellness coach. He specializes in meditation and I had the honor of meeting him in this January. Not unlike my Feng Shui teachings, a lot of Sah’s practices come from Buddhism. So tune in and learn about how Sah finds and teaches inner peace and health.


You will never get enough of what doesn’t satisfy you.

The most important relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves.

We push through rather than pleasure through.

What talent do you have that can serve the world?

Mindfulness:  How to pay attention in a different way.

Drop the narratives and find what we are experiencing in our bodies at the present moment.

The importance of breath work.


Meditation helps us create a space between what we are feeling and what we are thinking.

Gut health is pivotal for transformation.

Above and below the cross emotions.

Gratitude practice.

Go through an entire day without judging yourself or others and see how your life changes.

ZIVA Meditation

Instagram:  @Sahdsimone


CLICK TO LISTEN ON ITUNES OR STITCHERequanimityequanimityequanimityequanimityequanimityequanimityequanimitymeditating. We’ll learn more about how that encounter lead Emily down a new path and how it’s influenced her journey to where she is now. meditating. We’ll learn more about how that encounter lead Emily down a new path and how it’s influenced her journey to where she is now. SaveSave


