Isn’t it funny how time really does fly the older you get? When my mom was my age she said it all the time. As a kid I thought she was crazy because Christmas couldn’t get here fast enough, and the New Year was just an excuse to stay up late and watch that shiny ball drop in New York.
Nowadays, the New Year marks new beginnings. It’s a clean slate to start fresh, kick those bad habits to the curb and start habits that benefit your health and well-being. I reviewed my list from last year. I was pleasantly surprised to see I had nailed them all but one: learn photography. Well shucks. But I won’t hang my head too low. I did at least buy three photography courses, and a very expensive camera….that scares me to death and I can barely turn it on…..but I am on my way to becoming a photographer…someday. And let’s hope that someday is this year!
So with unabashed excitement I present this years goals. All fairly attainable and many are characteristics I already hold, but as my mom always said: A little is good, but more is better!