Ever wondered how you could add a celestial note to your home? Well, Tribute Goods has got you covered. Never heard of them? That’s because the company is fairly new. Interior Designer Karen Pulaski started the company just a few short years ago and has already graced the cover of Neiman Marcus; which is where I first spotted her.
With seven collections to choose from, her curated line is crisp, and designer-y. Which I love! But her latest constellation collection is hands down my favorite.
Known for her chic linens, this latest collection of the Zodiac won’t disappoint. Sumptuous linen combined with the stars? Lord have mercy she’s really speaking my language! I especially love these for the master bedroom. For those who follow my blog, you know how much I love bedroom spaces, and this is great way to make yours special.
Seeing Stars – How to add the zodiac to your space with Tribute good’s new star collection:
Aren’t these cool? The line of pillows were designed from a collection of antique celestial maps that they printed on Italian provenza linen. And all are made in Italy. Not only would these make a great accessory for the bedroom, but they would also be great in the family room. They mix well together and you can include every member of the family.
Here’s my zodiac pillow, the Scorpio:
If the Zodiac isn’t your thing she certainly has plenty of other eye candy to whet your appetite. However, according to Accessories Magazine, “Celestial accents are now trending for fashion accessories. Look into jewelry such as crescent moon gold earrings, rings and pendants with constellation figures and cuffs with star-shaped embellishments.” Looks to me that the home industry isn’t far behind this trend.
Tribute Goods is currently only available through the trade, but here’s a list of their retailers nationwide. And trust me, if you get the chance to see any one of these collections, you’ll be left wanting more. It’s really pretty and has a great hand. Plus it’s like nothing else out!
Need help with your project? Let’s talk! I’d love to hear about your project and how we can make it kick ass!
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