One of the most puzzling concepts for homeowners, who are about to start a project, is trying to find inspiration for their home. A few months back I did a post about finding inspiration and using it to organize your thoughts, and create a plan to help keep you on track.
Just as I wrote in this post, inspiration is an important ingredient when building a room concept. Your home should live and breathe who you are and inspiration is at the core of it. All rooms and homes have essential pieces that make it you. And as any designer will tell you, inspiration can come from anywhere or anything.
Well, as I was perusing the blogosphere over the weekend, filing through all my favorite blogs, I visited one of my favorites, little blue deer. Shari is always good at posting inspiring photos that move me, and jump start my day. About a week ago she did a lovely post, Black on Blonde with this inspiring photo, from fashion gone rogue.
I loved the photo so much I designed an entire Master Bathroom around it for a client, which can be seen here. This is a perfect example of taking a photo, not really related to interiors, and translating into a room. This picture moved me. It is classic, chic, sexy, and feminine. It was everything the current bathroom wasn’t. And I may have gone an entirely different direction had I not seen this photo, but it INSPIRED me to create, and the clients went bananas over it!
{all images courtesy of fashion gone rogue}