Last August I decided to go dark and take an entire month off from social media. Holy cow was it amazing! Don’t be surprised if I start making it a regular practice. It was glorious.
While away I went to San Diego, New York, Massachusetts and the Ozarks. My last stop was at Kripalu in Massachusetts, a spiritual retreat for all sorts of healing modalities. It’s known mainly as a yoga center, but Kripalu is all things weird and hippie. I LOVED IT! AKA, Kripalu is what life used to be before technology. Good food, silence, connection and tons of nature.

While there I was learning advanced energy work and on the second day I was partnered with Tricia who is a Medium. For years she has kept this gift way down in the depths of her inner soul afraid to share it with the world. I’m happy to say she’s finally coming out of the spiritual closet in a big way!
She has rented a new studio space and will start doing readings for clients and spiritual retreats, but before she hits the ground running she wanted to make sure that her new space was energy aligned for optimal success.
Before we got started I asked for her floorpan and what she planned on using the space for. This is an important ingredient to understand so you know what kind of energy your space must hold. In addition, I needed to know what furniture pieces she had.
Here is what she told me:
Here’s what she had:

Once I understood the needs of the space I put together an action plan. The biggest problem I saw was that Tricia was using the wrong paint palette. She had planned on going with one of these colors by Ben Moore:

Now don’t get me wrong, these are all mighty fine colors, but not for the type of deep spiritual work Tricia does. These will not align her space in the right way and help her or her energy. Good design must be energy aligned in order to support the work she does, otherwise there will be a disconnect and it will affect her work and her client results. Her clients won’t feel comfortable, Tricia won’t feel comfortable and something will always feel off.
Instead, I suggested this Color by Sherwin Williams:

This color is deep and moody, and it holds the correct energy Tricia needs to root her to the work she does. In order to stay connected and grounded the space can’t just be pretty it has to enhance her abilities. What people don’t realize is that energy work of any kind is very taxing on your energy system. It’s also quite ethereal. A color that is too clear, and too whispy in vibration will make you feel off and lightheaded, and for Tricia, making it harder for her to connect – taxing her system. That’s why sugar plum is perfect. It’s exactly the density she needs to help her stay rooted yet flexible like a tree.
Once I got the color right, I moved on to the layout of her office to maximize the space she had. I laid it out in a way that allows her privacy to work if she needs it, and a terrific area to meet with clients, while simultaneously making it pretty and inviting.
Here’s the layout:
In addition, we wanted her desk to face the door. This is what we call command position. This puts her in control of her business and prepared to run her empire. (She originally had it up against the wall which would have made business difficult, and she would have struggled financially)
I’ve laid out her space according to her needs and gave her flexibility for privacy with drapes should she need it. I’m happy to say that Tricia’s space was designed with energy in mind and aligned to kick off her new business with a bang!
Here’s a progress shot with the correct color. It’s not complete just yet, but she’s well on her way!