Today’s episode featured Jonas Ketterle, the founder of Firefly Chocolate. Jonas and his company are in line what a lot of what I do with my team at Home Energy Design when it comes to sustainability and connecting to nature. He produces and sells ceremonial cacao that’s used in cacao ceremonies. I found him after browsing online for what a cacao ceremony was and if I could find one near me. I didn’t find a ceremony, but I found Jonas and learned so much about this superfood can do for you spiritually and physically.


Food is one of the utmost intimate things we relate with on an everyday basis.

The energy of cacao.

Shift from consumption to a true relationship with our food.

Cacao consumption is different each time since each time you show up in a different state of mind.

Shift from consumption to true relationships with your food.

Ingest wisdom from the plant.

How cacao changes our state of mind.

Practice giving gratitude.

Personal rituals.

Slow down and create ceremony in your life.

Consuming cacao:  A great way to tap into your emotions.

Firefly Chocolate

Instagram: @cacaoceremony

Firefly Chocolate 10% discount available through the end of May 2018 – enter at checkout: “Home Energy Design Podcast”


